Our EKG Technician Program offers an in-depth training course at your pace that best prepares graduates to perform the duties required in the healthcare industry properly.
EKG Certified Technicians, also known as Electrocardiograph technicians or Cardiovascular technicians, perform EKG readings, Holter monitoring, lead placement, and stress tests (usually on a treadmill) in a clinical setting.
The Electrocardiogram Technician training course at ATA College prepares individuals, under the supervision of physicians and nurses, to administer EKG and ECG diagnostic examinations and report results to the treatment team. Upon completing this course, students will be eligible to take the national certification exam.
This is an accelerated program!
Due to the difficulty and speed of this course, the Medical Assistant program must be completed prior to enrollment. Programs from other colleges or prior medical experience may be used to fulfill the prerequisite with approval from the admissions department.
EKG diagnostics are used widely throughout the healthcare industry, and Electrocardiogram Technician can work in a variety of healthcare settings, including:
ATA College is approved by the California State Approving Agency to enroll veterans and other eligible persons who qualify for VA Benefits.
Our mission at ATA College is to provide diploma and associate degree training for entry-level positions in specialized fields. Our goal is to assist individuals in learning new skills and/or enhancing previously obtained skills, through higher education. We strive to fulfill both the needs of the individual seeking employment and our community.
We are committed to providing a quality education that instills core values that will develop work ethics, professionalism, honor, and integrity; giving our graduates a competitive edge through any economic condition.
Discover the advantages of our programs, the exciting coursework you’ll undertake, and everything needed to apply!